Sep 7, 2023Liked by Tone Prose

I’m inclined to withhold judgement on The Nose for now. It does seem too big, but then again a prosthetic nose is generally going to be bigger than the original, since the (real) Cooper nose has to be reckoned with underneath the (fake) Bernstein nose. Possibly the world is expecting it to look perfect, like a deepfake, whereas Bradley Cooper was hoping to do it all with practical effects. To e fair, I think a lot of the comparison photos have been from slightly different angles, minimizing one and accentuating the other.

The thing is, though, the film isn’t finished and undoubtedly has a CG budget. So I would bet my life that when it comes out, the nose will be smaller than it is in the trailer.

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NTT: There are Haydn/Mozart vibes but something's not quite right. Texture seemed fuller than I would expect from their writing, and the direction of the music felt decidely non-classical. I could believe the guess of early Romantic.

Saariaho: I enjoyed listening to the suggested Le Passion de Simone. Tried listening to several other works and was less convinced.

While I certainly adored the podcast, I have been enjoying the newsletter. It's original, has nice character, and has been a pleasant visitor to my inbox. Happy it's continuing.

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A lovely NTT to start off a new era! I hear a solo piano work that has redolences of the Classical era, but I hear a ton of modulating, so I think it might be more early Romantic. My guess is Schubert. It seems too adventurous to be Mozart, but too archaic to be Schumann or Weber or Mendelssohn. I'm making a bold move and limiting my basket to one composer, a move I may well live to regret!

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