Will White for Master of The King’s Music!

Loyal Tone Prose Listeners should flood social media with the mantra to get the buzz started and take it viral. And the King will have you appointed, as you should so rightfully be, in no time! Cue the Music 🎶

P.S. I like that Lully piece.

NTT: Orchestra, 20th Century. But based on Will's clue, even though I don't know the piece, I'm going with Bartok.

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Interesting NTT that definitely evokes Schnittke in certain ways... but that's a composer you live with all the time (not just "these days"). Maybe Gubaidulina, Ustvolskaya, or Ligeti? I may be working a bit too late though on the basis of the Schnittke comparison.

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"Living with!" Is it Schnittke?

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NTT: Thinking along the lines of more folk-inspired mid-twentieth-century, I’m going to take a swing with Rueveltas (Sensemaya, maybe? My spelling might be iffy with both.) I’m getting some Shostakovich vibes too, so I’ll throw him in.

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NTT: Maybe mid-century? For reasons I assume are similar to why Laurie is guessing Bartok, I’ll guess Barber.

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